Good, thank you.
I want to move to another section, proposed subparagraph 627.17(1)(a)(i), on page 256, which talks about retail deposit accounts. This is an important issue in my riding because of the incredible cost of housing. We're seeing a lot of people out on the street and they are redlined. They're basically not able to access traditional banking facilities. They end up getting payday loans and they get ripped off and it starts a very vicious debt circle that has real consequences for them.
I'm interested in the retail deposit accounts provisions of the act. It says, “presents to the member bank two documents from a reliable source”, and then there is a listing of what would be considered a reliable source. However, what is not listed are homeless shelters. In my riding, for example, would the Union Gospel Mission, the Progressive Housing Society or the Lookout Housing and Health Society be able to provide documents that would be considered, under the act, to have come from a reliable source? Would they then allow that person access to banking services that they're currently unable to access?