I don't see how it could do that. It says “aspire”. I can aspire to a whole bunch of different things. It's so short. When you get to the second part, it says “the level of poverty”, so “20% below the level of poverty in 2015 by 2020”.
Nowhere in here do we define what we mean by any of it. It doesn't say, “I'm going to use Statistics Canada's LICO, the low-income threshold.” It doesn't say any of that. It just says “level of poverty”. Future governments can just say, “What I meant to say by 'level of poverty' was X”, when it could be Y or Z or whatever. It's so broad that it could mean anything. I'm just trying to understand.
Is this what stakeholders asked for? Is the broadness of this portion of the omnibus budget bill what they asked for?