First of all, thank you for the question.
I think what you're identifying for seniors and for all citizens in your riding—and, for that matter, across the country—is the importance of having appropriate consumer protections, especially in the banking sector, given that for many people that is a difficult system to navigate. People, especially people who are not familiar with it, can find themselves vulnerable.
For that reason, we wanted to increase the protections from the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada and have been working on this, as you know, for a while. As part of it, we were clear that we wanted to recognize that we weren't asserting federal primacy in this area and that there were other jurisdictional issues we needed to respect, but that it was critically important for us to get at this in a way that has a long-term impact.
We do think, again, specifically for seniors, that this is an issue we need to stay on top of. I have asked Ava if she might go over some of the specifics around what we have in that part of our bill.