Yes, absolutely.
You have an act and you have legislation under an act. The college is composed in the act. You're going to have regulations under the legislation. Our view is that absolutely there should be a code of conduct or a code of ethics. We have one ourselves; it's voluntary.
We believe the most appropriate place is in the bylaws or outside the regulations, and within the control of the board so that they can see how it should be amended over time. If it's in the regulations, you have the added hurdle of getting through the gazetting process and into the regulations if you feel it needs to be amended. It's more cumbersome.
We're not saying, “Don't have a code of ethics.” Absolutely, have a code of ethics or a code of conduct. We just think it's best placed outside regulations and in, for example, bylaws, where you can deal with it as a living document to show to the members and the public. If there are changes to it, then you bring it to the governing body of the board and propose amendments to the members.