Let me start.
I think the pay equity legislation, as it is contained in the bill, addresses many of the things we've been advocating for decades. Are there some areas for improvement? Absolutely, and we stated them very categorically before this committee. If they are not addressed in the way we have recommended, I think it could erode the principle of pay equity for women in the federal jurisdiction, and that would be unfortunate.
As one of my colleagues commented, we don't want the courts to be litigating something that's supposed to be a positive onus on employers to ensure—that this is the reality of how women are going to be treated in the federal jurisdiction. At the end of the day, I think our amendments will make it ironclad that women actually are going to be treated in the way that was intended by the legislation. We've been able to determine these areas. Of course, the court has litigated on at least one provision of it, and we see two specific areas in which the bill can be improved.