The point really is that we don't know at this point what parts of the bill, or any bill, we will have to challenge.
PSAC—and you probably know this—has come across a lot of legislation that we've challenged, and had to challenge. Sometimes we don't recognize what aspects of the law will become problems until we're going down that road. We don't know at this point that for sure these measures will cause litigation or long litigation. We don't know.
Again, this is better than the 30 years we spent on the Canada Post pay equity case that the Supreme Court finally ruled on in 20 minutes. As Ms. Picard said earlier, many of our members have worked hard and have not received pay equity, and it will go to their estates when they're dead. We don't want to see that. This is a good first step. We think it's an important first step. I think it will lay the groundwork for equal pay for work of equal value to be the norm in society. We see some areas of difficulty, but we certainly see some positive areas as well.