Thank you.
I appreciated the presentations from all of you.
Mr. Lee, you had made some comments about the deficit and your concerns about that. I share those concerns. You focused mainly on the concerns you see as a result of situations in provinces and what that might mean for the federal government if there needs to be a bailout.
Obviously the federal government has made some decisions that have put it in a deficit as well, even though just a few short years ago it was left with a surplus coming into office. We're in a time where globally, the economy is in a pretty good spot.
I'm curious what your thoughts are on the situation that the federal government currently finds itself in terms of the deficit being somewhere in the neighbourhood of about $20 billion in a relatively good time. In your opinion, is there ever an excuse for a government, during a non-recessionary period in the economy, to be running deficits, especially ones of that magnitude?