This was conventional wisdom in the field of trade until 16 months ago.
Conventional wisdom is that trade is non-discriminatory by nature. That is the fundamental nugget at the heart of the multilateral trade system and all the free trade agreements that we're negotiating. Many economists would make that argument.
However, we know that trade has gendered impacts, and we know that women entrepreneurs and women-owned enterprises need a leg up in order to be competitive in the global economy. Those are two different sides of the equation.
A lot of the initiatives that are under way have been focused on women's economic empowerment. You know that Canada is a signatory to the World Trade Organization's declaration on women's economic empowerment. You know that Canada has a gender chapter in its agreements with Chile and with Israel.
Let's be clear. These things are “best endeavour”. They're promissory, at best. However, they are signalling the importance of linking human rights to the regulation of global trade.
How we deliver on these agendas is what really matters at this point. If we treat it as window dressing and just say the words without following up with real policies that can truly impact the lives of women, then I think those charges would be true. But I feel hopeful that Canada can be a leader on this agenda and will follow through in a way that is meaningful, not only for women but other vulnerable groups.