Yes. I'm happy to.
It has three segments. It says:
The ODA grant equivalent is a measure of donor effort. Grants, loans and other flows entering the calculation of the ODA grant equivalent measure are referred to as ODA flows.
Official development assistance flows are defined as those flows to countries and territories on the DAC List of ODA Recipients and to multilateral development institutions which are:
(i) provided by official agencies, including state and local governments, or by their executive agencies; and
(ii) each transaction of which:
(a) is administered with the promotion of the economic development and welfare of developing countries as its main objective; and
(b) is concessional in character. In DAC statistics, this implies a grant element of at least
45 per cent in the case of bilateral loans to the official sector of LDCs and other [low-income countries]...
15 per cent in the case of bilateral loans to the official sector of LMICs...
10 per cent in the case of bilateral loans to the official sector of UMICs....
10 per cent in the case of loans to multilateral institutions.....
Loans whose terms are not consistent with the IMF Debt Limits Policy and/or the World Bank's Non-Concessional Borrowing Policy are not reportable as ODA.
Thank you for your patience.
In terms of whether we foresee any other changes, there are current ongoing discussions in the context of the OECD DAC on how to modernize and best report private sector instruments, those instruments that would support development and poverty alleviation in collaboration with the private sector. That is still evolving and is expected to be, we hope, resolved in the coming months, but it is not yet resolved.
The current definition stands.