Isn't the main reason the existence of the tax treaty between Canada and Barbados? As a result of the treaty, funds can be repatriated to Canada tax-free, as stated by the lawyer from Rogerson Law Group, located on Bay Street. The lawyers call this asset protection. There are a number of options.
They mention choosing an offshore tax haven, an offshore trust, segregated funds, IBCs and LLCs protecting your domestic assets, private foundations—always for asset protection.
I want to know whether your law firm also does this type of asset management or protection. Do you have any issue with the fact that Canadian companies or individuals use foreign countries to protect their assets? I'll quote the lawyer from the Rogerson firm:
“Asset Protection”:
Protection from what? Think of asset protection as a type of insurance policy covering a future risk of claims against you from financial predators.
He then made a list of financial predators.
He mentions:Others who could seek to stake a claim on your wealth include business creditors, the CRA, and dependents, in the case of your death.
How do you characterize lawyers who do that kind of stuff?