You are right about the electrical grid. There is no doubt there needs to be some investment in modernizing the Canadian electrical grid. This is an area of shared jurisdiction.
Our specific recommendation is to give funding to Natural Resources Canada to lead the development of a transition plan, working with the provinces and territories to modernize the electrical grid. We would like to see some more east-west connections to bring renewable energy across the country. The grid needs to be modernized to be able to accommodate electrical transportation and the intermittent nature of renewable energy. This is our recommendation.
Part of our recommendation is also to bring a lot of the renewable energy potential that is in the Canadian north to the major centres. We need some grid extensions there. Whether the funding comes through an infrastructure portfolio really doesn't matter to us. We've made it in the context of the low-carbon economy trust that the government is proposing. Certainly, it could be part of the proposed infrastructure funding that the federal government is going to put forth.
With regard to your comment on Tesla and the private sector, we see electricity generation and the adoption of electrical vehicles as a public good in Canada because of our commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to improve local air quality. We believe there is a specific role for the federal government to play by providing rebates for the purchase of electrical vehicles and by supporting charging stations across the country.