I would point to the experience in British Columbia. As you know, they have a carbon price that is currently at $30 per tonne of CO2. It's been in place since 2008. Some really strong economic data that was published this year on energy policy looked at the effects of the B.C. carbon tax on employment. That has shown a very minimal effect on the province; in fact, the province has enjoyed economic growth similar or equivalent to the rest of the provinces in Canada, and about 10% of British Columbia's greenhouse gas emissions reduction can be attributed to the tax.
Our recommendation to alleviate any potential impact on employment is to make sure that the tax is gradual. We would see a national carbon pricing standard starting at $30 per tonne, like British Columbia, and increasing over time, making sure that it's a very transparent timeline so that industry can adjust.
There has been some concern by several industrial sectors about potential interprovincial competitiveness issues. We're very aware of that. That's why we say it's critical that the federal government show leadership and ensure there is a consistent carbon price across all provinces and territories.
You'll note in our recommendation for a national carbon pricing standard that one of the principles we want to see implemented in all provincial and territorial carbon pricing regimes is that there be funding allocated from the revenues to the transition and retraining of the workers affected by the transition to the low-carbon economy.