We have debated Jack Mintz on many occasions. He operates from the assumption that the small business rate traps firms and keeps them small and doesn't allow them to grow to become medium-sized entities.
Obviously you can imagine that, as a group representing small and medium-sized firms, we respectfully disagree with Mr. Mintz, although we do agree with his assertions on CPP.
I do want to say that in the past, your party railed against the Conservatives for reducing taxes for big business aggressively and not reducing taxes for small business. We wish you kept that spirit alive now that you're in government, because, in fact, you have kept the reduction for big businesses at 15% and have cancelled the reduction for small firms. I would love it if this was a one-year pause and you were going to reinstitute the tax reduction schedule next year. However, every single person I've spoken to in your party in government has suggested that's unlikely to happen.