Yes. We find that tax deductions for small business are incredibly effective. When you think about the small businesses in your own ridings, these businesses are there in good times and in bad. Some of them unfortunately do have to close their doors. The income they earn is far more likely to stay in that local community supporting the local groups and organizations that make Canada such a terrific country.
Small firms tend to be a little slower to hire. They don't create a job unless they know it's going to be there for the longer term. The flip side of that is that small firms are slower to fire. And in bad times, they tend to hang onto their employees because they have developed those personal relationships.
I've talked to thousands of business owners over my 22-year career. They have said that in bad years they are taking home less themselves than they are paying their employees in order to hang on to those employees. That's the kind of thing that I worry is not going to be happening as often, given the snatching away of the reductions that had been promised by all four major political parties.