I haven't. A lot of my data is synthetic. In other words, I'm drawing on someone else. Of course, I fully footnote it and so I'll specifically cite the source. It was Professor Jack Mintz in, I think, January 2015, who published it in a working paper at the University of Calgary. He did a deep dive into the numbers and asked a very good question: Who are the 7.2% of Canadians under the poverty line?
He found that overwhelmingly they are what I call “elder” elder women. That is, women in their eighties and nineties, my late mother's generation. They stayed home in the 1950s and had children and raised their children at home, and worked in the home. It was very hard work.
My point is they don't have a pension. When their husband dies, because men don't live as long as women, their pension drops down to 60%. To answer your question very succinctly, Jack Mintz crunched the numbers and he said that for $5 billion we can eliminate elder poverty in this country, the 7.2%, by doing that.