In layman's terms, it's scientific evidence you've provided through your testimony today.
Further to that, I'm a resident, and I represent a riding in Ontario. This urban myth you talk about.... I was on a Chamber of Commerce panel locally, and this issue came up in questions about the Ontario pension plan being devised right now by the Liberal government of Ontario. When I presented the numbers—because I used some of your numbers that I had researched before going in— I used the 85% number, the 85% of people who are pension ready. They've prepared themselves for their retirement, and they're ready to go. You further subdivided that group down to about 7.5%.
It was not received by the person who had to defend the Ontario government's position on this matter as being at all reliable, and I wasn't asked where that information came from. I'm going to be pleased to provide him with this information you've provided today.
The question I want to ask is, can you give us your candid views on why this urban myth is being received and believed at the level it is in this country?