Actually, no decision has been made on integration of the pension plan that we as public servants participate in.
Here's an example of what could happen. Say a pension plan is currently integrated with the Canada pension plan. What does that mean? It just means that on your first tranche of earnings, basically up to the year's maximum pensionable earnings, you're paying CPP, so you pay less to your own pension plan, and then the retirement benefits are adjusted accordingly as well.
Let's say that we as public servants receive about 1.3% to 1.4% of earnings per year up to the YMPE, and then 2% above the YMPE. Basically that allows for that CPP portion to go up, or that QPP portion to go up, so potentially—and again, this is a decision for individual pension plans—the amount contributed by both employers and employees and the consequential benefits received from the employer-based pension plan could go down.