If I may, I'd like to pull out my copy of the strategy, which we'd be pleased to provide to the committee. Page 14 of the English version of the strategy specifies the full list of indicators. First there's the market basket measure, and then there are four indicators for each of the three pillars of the strategy.
The dignity pillar, which focuses on lifting Canadians out of poverty by ensuring that basic needs are met, includes food security, unmet health care needs, unmet housing needs and chronic homelessness, and deep income poverty.
Under the opportunity and inclusion pillar, the indicators relate to helping Canadians join the middle class by promoting full participation in society and equality of opportunity. Those indicators focus on literacy and numeracy, youth engagement, relative low income and the share of the population in the bottom 40% of the income share.
The third pillar focuses on resilience and security, supporting the middle class by protecting Canadians from falling into poverty and by supporting income security and resilience. The indicators under that pillar include the median hourly wage, poverty entry and exit rates, the average poverty gap and asset resilience.
It's intended that all of these will be made public. It's all existing Statistics Canada data with existing methodologies, but it will be grouped together in a hub or a single spot on the Statistics Canada website that will facilitate analysis. The intention is that the full datasets will be available so that those who are interested can drill down and build tables, compare data and have an opportunity to really get into the data to undertake analysis to the extent that they would like to do that.