Mr. Parent, I wanted to ask a question with regard to some of the changes you spoke about in your testimony. I looked for the transcripts from our meeting when we had officials testify, but I couldn't find them. They're not prepared yet.
I'm going to be paraphrasing a little bit. I'm just wondering if you watched the testimony by our officials. If you didn't, that's okay.
When we're talking about some of the changes like diminished earning capacity and things along this line, I know you mentioned in your testimony here today that it's a step in the right direction but that you're not quite sure how some of the implementation will be; and I get that.
However, from the officials there was some discussion with regard to things like case assessments and, with this new language, the opportunity to assess individual cases. Again, I'm paraphrasing, because I couldn't find the exact wording. Is moving towards that type of case-by-case assessment, now with the new language, what you and your organization are hearing about from veterans?