First of all, thank you very much for your praise. I appreciate that and my family appreciates that.
We are now doing a lot of consultation. We're starting our consultation at the grassroots and working our way up. We've been working a lot within the town council and the local Parks Canada community and Parks Canada in Ottawa, as well as the provincial government and various other agencies, and most importantly, the people who live in our community and in the Bow Valley.
At this point, I assume the federal government support is really going to be funnelled through Parks Canada. We are hopeful that will continue on a very positive path. So far, I would say that they have given us a lot of constructive feedback on how to proceed and we have been very happy with the support we've had from them.
The only disappointment we've had is that it takes a very long time. We were very keen to progress and to do it as fast as we can, so that all Canadians benefit. We think it's something that will benefit not just those who live in the Bow Valley or in Alberta, but all of the 4.2 million people who come to Banff National Park every year. As I'm sure you know, the visitation is going up, not down, so it's an issue that's not going to go away.