When you say we should introduce legislation for electric cars in all parts of Canada, that puts me in a panic. Electric cars are going to be very expensive to run in the north. I've driven electric cars—they work. You can drive around in 40° below, but if there's ever an issue with repairs, it has to go back on the back of a semi-truck and be hauled all the way into Alberta or B.C. I think we have to be very careful when we come to some of those suggestions. It's not one-size-fits-all. We need everybody to be on board, and it won't happen if we don't have the proper adaptation program.
I don't think we have a solution even on how to fix our roads. I drive on roads that we just repaired last year for millions of dollars, and now they're slumping again. We have buildings that are falling because the technology we used for pilings, which was wood into the frozen ground, is now wet, and it's rotting the pilings.