That's a good question. I think I mostly understood it; I didn't have a translation device.
There are a couple of things I would say. One is that we give incentives to businesses to take on new technology all the time. The accelerated capital cost allowance, for example, is an incentive to businesses. We've given incentives to the oil sands for years for adopting new technologies through accelerated cost writeoff. We do it for the mining industry. Government quite frequently picks particular businesses or technologies for which they deem an incentive is a good idea to encourage certain types of production or technology.
I would say that, if your goal is to encourage the uptake and investment of low-carbon technologies, you have three choices. You can regulate it, tax it or have an incentive. Those are your three tools, as government.
If you were to set a carbon price really, really high, you probably wouldn't need incentives, because people would have all the incentive they need, but it would have a lot of.... To put that high a price that quickly probably isn't a good idea. What the government is doing, starting at a relatively low price and ramping it up gradually like B.C. did, is really a textbook way to bring in a carbon price.
I would say, yes. You have to be really careful, though. The questions you have to ask are: Can you show that this is a type of technology for which there isn't already a business case for the firm to do it itself? Do you actually need a government incentive in order to encourage the uptake of that technology? Be rigorous about that.
In this case, yes, emissions from refrigerants is a huge area of greenhouse gas emissions. These kinds of technologies really are leading edge. Their uptake is just beginning, and if you want to encourage the country's largest employer to be an early adopter of that technology, it will encourage the manufacturing of that technology in Canada and create an example that will encourage others to do it.
I can't speak to the amount of the incentive. I haven't looked at the economics of it to know if they paid the right amount, but, yes, giving targeted incentives where there is a promising new clean technology, and there's not yet a market case.... It's exactly the same as the electric vehicle incentive. In the same way that we're giving consumers and businesses, too, an incentive to adopt electric vehicles, we're giving businesses an incentive to adopt low-carbon refrigerants.
That shouldn't be a permanent strategy, though. That's a time-limited strategy. As a new technology comes in to a market, costs come down, as we saw with computers and digital communication technology in the last 20 years.