We actually run consumer surveys twice annually, and most of the folks who are purchasing homes will suggest that it's taking longer and longer to amass that down payment. I think the real estate market has actually been performing very well for the last number of years. I don't think anybody would refute that. An awful lot of measures that have been implemented since 2007 have actually made borrowing more restrictive, and honestly, appropriately.
For a two-year period, with zero dollars down, you could get a 40-year amortization. We've definitely been tiering that in, but as property has been appreciating and requirements to amass larger down payments have changed, and now with restrictions through B-20 and such, folks are going to have to save longer, just because of the market's performance, to get in.
As we said in our remarks, the current program, as it was announced anyway, because you're right that there are quite a lot of details we're still awaiting, won't create any new eligible would-be purchasers. If you qualified in the past, you would qualify for this, and if you qualify for this, you would have qualified in the past.