Thank you for the question.
In terms of the consultations we undertook with regard to the proposal that is before this committee today, we did consult quite broadly with the air sector, including both the airlines and the airports. We spoke to them in quite a level of detail about the different types of models we were considering in terms of a future governance state for the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority. Based on those consultations and on our own analysis, we have determined—and the proposal is before this committee—to take the same approach with airport security screening that we took with the commercialization of air navigation services in the mid-1990s, which resulted in the creation of Nav Canada.
We see that the creation of Nav Canada has been a very important success in that it has resulted in lower fees and greater innovation—and, we believe, greater support for the safety of Canada's air navigation services.
Based on that, based on the consultations and our own analysis, the proposal is before this committee to take the same approach to commercialize aviation security screening at Canada's airports.