I wanted to share another volatility. We are producing products for energy tubulars. A nine-month period of time followed the investigation in the United States on section 232 where we had a 71% increase in non-mapped imports of energy tubulars. That was an increase from more than 20 countries.
These were countries like Austria—or pick a country that no longer had the same access to the United States—and instead of producing less at home and probably putting some people unemployed at home, they decided to continue to export to Canada. That put pressure on us in the Canadian market where we had to have layoffs.
This volatility has negative impacts on jobs at home as well, never mind the price impacts. I think it's important that we understand that having this tool makes sure that if there's another surge like that, the finance minister has a tool available to defend Canadian jobs so we aren't laying off people in Canada to protect the jobs of those foreign producers who are not willing to shrink to market size if they are going to continue to export.