Yes. Sure.
We had weekly meetings with CBSA officials and industry, and participation also from the union. We identified some areas of, I wouldn't call them deficiency, but areas where the system was maybe not as transparent and where there were tools that were available, used by other jurisdictions, that we weren't maybe using to the same extent. We understood why they weren't being used and what was needed. A series of recommendations has been made, and we're hopeful that they will be adopted, especially since they were done with the participation of the government officials who work in this every day.
If I go to what's black and white, the CBSA calculate these normal values and these margins of dumping. If they don't have the breadth of tools available to calculate those normal values when they have imperfect information, then those normal values won't be reflective of reality. These tools help get them the most information they can and the ability to calculate those normal values as well as possible.
I'd like to point out one particular area where the exporting community has a responsibility, when their cost and prices change in their home market, to notify the CBSA so that their normal values can be updated. Historically they've never done that, because they don't have an incentive to have the normal value increase. Then they would not be able to undercut the Canadian industry, even if they're under our funding. So, there has been no tool that the CBSA could use to go backwards in time for when those costs and prices changed and retroactively reassess them duties. That was one of the areas we identified. If we can implement this retroactivity, that will then incent the exporting community to notify the CBSA when their costs and prices change so their normal values will more accurately reflect the conditions.
There were nine to 11 different areas where we saw improvements, but I'm highlighting that one. Catherine used the word “techie” earlier, so I don't want to go through all the different tools, but we're available to come back and meet with anyone individually and share the value of them. It was serious work done by both governments and industry. We believe that they can all be implemented between now—some are immediate—and the end of the summer, and that will make a difference.