Since part of it was in English, I'll take the liberty of answering in English.
We think the measures were appropriate. We have parts of the country that are experiencing sharp and sustained changes in their situations. The regions we've chosen are the ones that have had the most significant changes in unemployment. At the same time, we recognize that employment insurance is helpful for many other parts of the country, and that's why we've made some changes to allow people to get into the system more rapidly.
I think, as you know, we've also made some changes in the amount of money we're putting in for training so that people, once they get into the system, can also get more access to training dollars.
We think these are the right measures to take at a time when we're experiencing regional differences in our economic situations, with some regions experiencing positive situations; and some regions, as a result of, largely, but not exclusively, changes in the price of oil, experiencing difficult situations. Our view is that we've made significant differences by taking these approaches.
There are other things we're doing that I would encourage you to consider. Lowering taxes for Canadians and adding the Canada child benefit will make a very big increase, especially for those who are the least well off in our society, and it will have a measurable impact on their ability to cope at this time.
Finally, and not least, we hope and expect the investments we're making will allow us to have a more effective long-term growth rate, which will help people in the future.