Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. My thanks to the analysts for their outstanding work on this matter.
Could you tell us whether a motion is necessary to ask the analysts to include in their report a section on the situation we are in with respect to the sub judice convention and its impact on the evidence or the lack thereof. The scope of the convention must be considered in a situation like this. I think this would be extremely interesting, because we have not been confronted with a situation like this very often. I don't remember it being raised in previous Parliaments. It might be extremely useful in future studies if we have to study the issue of tax havens again. For instance, we have not dealt with the Panama Papers at all in this study. We should really see, based on the analysis, the agreement and the case law, what the powers of the committee are and to what constraints it is subject, if any. You see where I am going with this. I think this should also be part of the report. We have been confronted with this situation rather directly.