Coming back to the motion that was moved, it was for travel to and prebudget consultations in Quebec and Toronto, of $43,207.80.
(Motion agreed to)
The next budget would be for travelling to Fredericton, Charlottetown, Halifax, in the amount of $51,650.40. It is moved by Mr. MacKinnon.
(Motion agreed to)
The third allocation is for travelling to Kelowna, Edmonton, Regina, and Winnipeg, in the amount of $87,288. It is moved by Mr. Sorbara.
(Motion agreed to)
We'll know later today on that allocation so that the committee can start planning.
I assume—one should never make assumptions—that what we will do at the beginning of the hearings is have finance officials and others before the committee to give us a background on the financial situation in the country, etc., before we start our travel. Is that basically the way we'll proceed? We do have to figure out how we will handle the regional development agencies as well.
Go ahead, Ron.