As a quick comment, on the $8.4 billion, we are happy with the start. It's better than Kelowna. When I go to our communities across Canada, what I hear from our chiefs is, “you can't jump up on a pedestal, Bellegarde, for that $8.4 billion, and neither can they, because we're not seeing it out in the communities”. We're already into the second quarter. We are trying to work with government and put as much pressure as we can to get the dollars flowing so that they have an impact on the ground for housing, education, and water. That's the big push we have to do. We have to push INAC to find more effective ways internally. A lot of it comes down to the bureaucracy. We have to find ways to improve the bureaucracy and to get decisions made more quickly. That's one point.
On the bigger piece, there has to be a policy change between Finance and the Treasury Board so that monies don't lapse, and so that stupid decisions aren't made in February and March, like “spend, spend, spend before the end of the fiscal year”. You should change the policy so there's no fear of losing it and you can carry it over into the next fiscal year. If it's there for water or housing, then it's still there for the next fiscal year and you don't make silly decisions before it's terminated. Change the policy.