Again, we in the industry—by nature I'm a forester—plan on a 100-year planning horizon, so I'd like to think that this is one of those bad spots, not a 100-year plan, but the 100-year still looks good.
The industry has made a lot of changes. The great thing about our industry is that at times we're slow to react, but we've seen this coming for a long time. The change in electronic media alone is so evident and so obvious in our business that we have to change, and we are taking a lot of those steps. We're in it for the long haul. I'd like to think that this is a rough period that we'll get through like we have in the past. We're going to come out damaged. Without a doubt there will be some casualties. What can I say? We've been there before, and it gets harder every time. There's less flexibility, and it's like a bully; they just get smarter every time they try to pick a fight with us. We have good arguments, yet they come back and change their legislation or change whatever it is to get around the arguments that we won the last time.