It's important to look at the whole picture and the social determinants of health are absolutely a huge part of that. A lot of these programs have been proven, whether it's early childhood education and care or pharmacare, to actually recoup more costs.
Also, I think we have to look at the health care system as more than what we have been dealing with. It was a great idea when it came out, and it was a commitment by Canadians who are still committed to this idea that people's health should not be a burden on the individual. It needs to be taken care of by society.
Then we stopped, and now we have long-term care that is not effective use of resources, we don't deal with home care in an effective way, and we're not dealing with pharmacare. We don't deal with health as the whole picture and that cost is something we're seeing, so it is constantly increasing.
You had asked earlier about child care. I just want to point out that the TD Bank figures for every dollar spent in child care, between $1.65 and about $1.78 is the return on investment. You look at Quebec and the increase of women in the workforce, and the increase of the GDP because of that, and that was positive. Then on top of that, it's just the right thing to do. We need to start taking care of kids before they are five.