I just wanted to make sure I could get all of my vision in for today. Thank you.
There was a strong relationship between the cumulative effects of historical trauma and current trauma, including sexual abuse and higher incidence of HIV infection. Among the 1,045 participants who provided a blood sample for testing, 5.2% were HIV 0 positive, and 55.8% of these were aware of their HIV status. At least half do not know their status.
Aboriginal people are disproportionately affected by the HIV/AIDS epidermic in Canada. The findings from the A-track pilot survey can be used to inform and evaluate prevention and treatment services for HIV and other related infections among aboriginal people. The lessons learned from the pilot survey could also be used to guide the possible implementation of another A-track survey in another urban or reserve location in Canada.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission released its 94 calls to action in 2015. This living document speaks to pimâtisiwin for indigenous people in Canada. The network has been involved in many of these calls over the past 15 years. In its summary report released earlier this year, the commission published 94 calls to action urging federal, provincial, territorial, and aboriginal governments to work together to change policies and programs in a concerted effort to repair the harm caused by residential schools and to move forward with reconciliation. Indigenous peoples have solutions for what we are faced with today in Canada. It is time to work together in unity to begin the healing and the restoration of indigenous peoples across the nation.
Nation-to-nation building is important in the way forward for wellness and healing. We do not want any more more Band-Aid solutions for the people. It's time to dig deep within indigenous people to seek, through indigenous ways, knowledge, ceremonies, language, and science. Indigenous knowledge keepers speak about the great mystery. This is a way forward for the indigenous people of Turtle Island. We are spiritual people. We understand the way forward is through kinship with all.
Hai Hai.