I'll be very quick.
I support Greg's comments. I spent 12 years as a provincial deputy minister here in Manitoba. I can tell you that WD used to be the go-to place in all dealings with the federal government. They were empowered to be the window, the door, through which we could interact. The utility to the Government of Canada that WD can provide is that western perspective, that western lens. When you have to go to half a dozen places in Ottawa and you get bounced around, as someone said, it doesn't work. They worked very closely with the provincial ministers and the provincial members out of the provinces. They did it in Saskatchewan as they did in Alberta and in B.C. That system worked extremely well. I think you do have to have some national requirements, but something has gone amiss. I'm not sure exactly what it is, but they have to be empowered to be your collective asset in the provinces, because we do have some differences. We do have some distinctions. They can interpret that for Ottawa. Something has just gone amiss, and I think a fundamental rethink is essential.