Yes, I know. That's something there's no excuse for. The chair has mentioned on numerous occasions that subsequent governments and previous governments have always made a commitment to make sure that Canada's fully connected, but I can only imagine your economic growth outlook if you had connectivity throughout the province. That's definitely a take-away that I will be knocking on my good friend Minister Bains's door to make a point of.
I want to comment to Mr. Davison on the chambers of commerce. Internal trade is a theme that we've heard across the country, starting all the way in Kelowna. I have limited experience as a member of Parliament—it's going to be a year this October—but in a previous life as a corporate lawyer the biggest difference between government and the private sector is that things are easier to negotiate in the private sector, and internal trade requires all of the provinces to come together. It's a frustration I can readily say the federal government is having with the provincial partners to get internal trade done. They're crawling forward on it. Just as a comment, I'm very positive that, hopefully, something will happen.
Mr. Hicks, thank you for your presentation. You'll be happy to know that the Minister of Justice and Attorney General is looking into reinstating the court challenges program. That was one of your recommendations.