I would say we need access to capital delivered in a timely fashion. I'm currently building one of those robot barns, and I have six innovation applications currently in, which the timeliness of the application.... Maybe there is an abundance of applications in the system. My feedback was that I'm approved for all six applications, but they're not coming until April. I would like to have my animals in the barn from December 1 to December 15.
The timeliness of that application process versus how the delivery happens is...maybe if the funding could be in a pod available for the full four years. Maybe in 2017 there's going to be an abundance of people doing innovative projects, and then in 2018 and 2019 in that four-year term maybe there's not going to be an abundance of projects. You're going to get that 10% of slippage on projects either way, so maybe the way that's broken out would be a pretty good solution.
Thank you very much.