I think when you try to identify one unique approach or answer as to what could improve our stake in the world, especially in the resource sector, for us it's a drum we've been beating for a long time: competitiveness. There are several measures that can be taken at the federal level to help enhance our competitive position, not only here in New Brunswick but across the country. Wood supply is one of the major things. In my presentation, I alluded to investment in silviculture. It ensures wood supply, and that, in turn, will protect existing jobs. Also, it incentivizes investment to improve our productivity and help us remain competitive.
Again, on the subject of wood supply, it's a case of budworm, as I mentioned. We have a threat here that's not unique to New Brunswick. This particular pest is found throughout eastern and central Canada as well. If there's one thing we can look at, it's to make sure measures are in place, when you're considering budgetary considerations for programs, that will help improve our competitiveness in terms of wood supply and the cost of that wood supply. That's a complicated equation when you look at cost, because there are many factors that influence cost. We have to have an ability to transport our product not only from forest to facility but also from facility to markets. Anything that can help improve those cost structures is of great benefit to us.