There are opportunities for more investment for certain types of businesses, as Ms. Ross has indicated. There are educational programs for entrepreneurs in the major cities in New Brunswick.
We find that some of the programs that are available from the federal or provincial side don't do enough and are not funded enough to help those entrepreneurs with the good ideas. I'm not saying that we need to finance everything that comes out of all the incubators in Canada, but there are a lot of good ideas.
One of the issues we know specifically is that because of the lack of funds companies tend not to raise enough, so as soon as they raise a certain amount of money—what they think is correct—they're having to start again. Rather than raising $200,000, should they be raising $500,000 so they get time to work on their projects?
That's predominantly what we're seeing in New Brunswick right now, that the runway is too short because the money is not there, so rather than asking for $500,000 and everything saying no, companies are going for $200,000 or $250,000 and not raising enough to give them time to build their products.