Thank you. We're out of time, Ziad.
I have one question before I go to Raj.
Ms. Ross, Mr. Legere, and Mr. Fudge, you mentioned access to capital. We met with ACOA, the regional development agency for here, and one of the shocking things in terms of their presentation from my perspective was when we asked them if they needed more money for programming. The answer we got from one of them—not in New Brunswick, they didn't answer that question—was no. What new policy initiatives should be fostered by the regional development agencies? And we didn't get any answers to that question either. That kind of shocked me. Where are you folks in that area? Because in all honesty, if ACOA's not pulling up its socks and doing what it should, then they should be told that. And if they need new programming, we should be recommending it.
Do you have any thoughts in that area, Mr. Brun?