I guess the answer to your question is that basically, as far as the transfer goes, that still can happen in any fishery. But on the rationalization idea of it, I'll give you an example. Ian spoke about groundfish. We have over 800 groundfish licences. This year you had to register to be part of the groundfishery. I think we had about 250 fishermen out of the 800 licence-holders who registered. Each fisherman was able to go out and catch 270 pounds of halibut. So it's not even a fishery. It's basically just to get out in the boat for the fun of it. To make it viable for anybody to be into it, we need to retire licence.
Tuna is the same way. We have 350 tuna fishermen right now, tuna licence-holders, out of our approximately 1,300 core fishermen. Most of those tuna fishermen are only allowed one tuna. The way tuna works is that it's in an auction when you bring that fish in. Some guys got as low as $1 a pound. So they went in the hole fishing tuna again. If we could rationalize that fleet....
DFO keeps telling us we have to take licences out, we have to rationalize. We're prepared to put money into it, but we need help from government to be able to rationalize our fleets. Right now lobster probably doesn't need to be rationalized in most areas. It's doing fairly well as of now. We want to keep it that way. But we have a lot of side fisheries that we could make a lot more viable and have a lot more extra income for fishermen if we could rationalize some of the fleets.