Thank you.
Access to capital is a very challenging problem in terms of small business, and we have been searching for innovative ways to attract capital. Our venture capital infrastructure in Canada is not as robust as we would like. We do believe that in Canada and the world it's very liquid; there is a lot of cash available. It's just very difficult to put structures and systems in place to access that capital, so we have looked to ways, and one way that we are trying in the province here is the creation of a fund for small businesses that will have some government involvement, but mainly private sector participation.
We have looked at taxation aspects of this. Flow-through shares have been a concept that we have pushed to several successive federal governments, in terms of trying to ensure that investment losses actually flow back through to individual investors when initial investments in companies are going to lose money until they get to a stage where they are viable, as they have in the mining sector and others.
BioAlliance and BIOTECanada certainly have been pushing that aspect, and we think that's a good way to do it. There are all kinds of things.... I know we don't have much time, and I'm aware of that, but there are all kinds of things that we have some good ideas about, and we would be more than pleased to share those ideas with you when there's more time.