Absolutely, we see cost efficiencies. We see improvements in quality of care, at the same time saving costs.
We're all well aware of the news in the past few days of the skyrocketing costs in health care systems, and we need to reduce those costs and we need to slow down those high costs. For example, we could educate a nephrologist or a kidney nurse and show that there are other options. For someone who is dying of a very advanced disease or a lot of other diseases, there is not much point in starting up dialysis when it's going to be a futile treatment. By doing those sorts of interventions, we can save significant costs. I can give you example after example across the system of where resources are being used inappropriately.
I'll give an example. In Ontario the cost of caring for someone in an acute care hospital is about $1,100 a day. In a hospice it's about $440 to $450 a day. At home it's about $150 to $200 a day.
We know from studies that approximately 42% of patients with cancer—and we're not even speaking about the non-cancer, because we have some early evidence that the numbers are much higher—in the last two weeks of life visit an emergency department and are admitted into acute care hospitals when it could be avoided.