I think you're looking at the right things. I would just ask all members of Parliament from any side to pat Minister Philpott on the back and ask her to please hold tight on her negotiations with the provinces on the new health accord, particularly with regard to the issues of mental health. The Prime Minister has said that the discussions in the new health accord will be about 33% of the time spent on this discussion. The provinces are quite resistant to having targeted funding, but as many of you know Senator Kirby many years ago in his Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology recommended ring-fence funding as the only way to move mental health issues forward in Canada. We've been the poor cousin for years, principally because we haven't had a significant capacity to advocate or engage in other health care related activities in Canada. I would hope that the Minister of Health would have your support in standing very firm, both with regard to the amount of money that's being transferred to the provinces, and with regard to how that money is spent. It's really important to get it to the ground.