First of all, thank you for your support. At the risk of pandering, I agree wholeheartedly with your summary.
We have an opportunity, we think, in a relatively small country of 36 million to 37 million people, where we have the second-largest international airport in North America. We have an opportunity to compete with the world's best. If we do it the smart way—and Canadians are pretty smart and pretty nimble—we can catch JFK in New York in five or six years.
Just imagine the revenue, the well-paid jobs, and the opportunities that would create, not only for the Toronto and southern Ontario region. Imagine what that can mean for our carriers across the country. In the next three or four years, 100 million incremental passengers will be travelling from China. They're going to decide whether to come into Canada and connect through Canada to points all across the world, or to go through JFK, Miami, and other U.S. airports. That decision will be based on flow and connectivity, on how quickly can they get through.
We have to decide if we're prepared to compete on that level. I think we will. We can beat them at their own game. We've demonstrated that over the last five or six years. The relationships with the agencies, the airport operator, and government have never been better, so let's seize upon that and make it work for us.