What is very interesting is that when commodity prices are low and there are less jobs in the industry, people go back to school. They go back to acquire increased skills because they realized while they were working that they could be better and they could aspire to a better career if they were better skilled.
What we are seeing right now in Alberta is a huge increase. Guess what? There are waiting lists right now for trades. There are waiting lists in the health sector. Alberta would still be able to get their fair share, I believe, because there are so many needs in Alberta. If I just look at the needs that our Alberta colleges and institutes have identified, it's about $200 million in deferred maintenance and $1.6 billion in infrastructure for new projects.
I can give you an example. Red Deer is a place that most people probably know. There is a big need right now for a centre for health, wellness, and sport for $90 million. The difference this building would make to Red Deer would be incredible for the community.
I could give you another example. I have a full list here.