We'll do it alphabetically, I guess.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
My name is Michael Denham, and I'm the president and CEO of the BDC. I was appointed to the position recently after a 27-year career in the private sector.
I would like to start by congratulating the committee for its consultation work with Canadians in preparation for the 2017 federal budget. This is important and demanding work, especially given all your other work and all your other responsibilities.
So thank you.
My staff tells me you've had at least 16 meetings, and you've heard from over 160 organizations. I can only hope you find something new and unique in what I have to share with you today.
BDC has one overall aspiration, which is to make Canadian entrepreneurs among the most competitive in the world. We have more than 2,000 employees located in 100-plus business centres across Canada. We have over 2,000 interactions per week with entrepreneurs. We receive over three million visits per year to BDC.ca. As a result, we feel we have a good sense of what's going on with entrepreneurs in the country.
We seek to tailor business solutions according to the circumstances of entrepreneurs. We take financial risks that other financial providers do not. Our financing portfolio stands at $24 billion. We're a bank, and we make credit decisions within given parameters. The most important parameter is an expectation that the enterprises we lend money to will prove economically viable so that money lent will be repaid with a return reflecting the risk taken. This means we're self-sustaining and not dependent on the taxpayers of Canada.
It also means that we can reinvest profits in initiatives aimed at satisfying business needs that others cannot meet. We're Canada's small business development bank and we're immensely proud of the role we play. Most of all, we're proud of the 42,000-plus businesses we support from coast to coast.
I'm often asked how Canadian businesses are faring in the face of economic uncertainty, global challenges, massive disruption, and significant technological change. There's one word that comes to mind—“resilient”. As the Governor of the Bank of Canada indicated in his progress report on the Canadian economy which he gave in Whitehorse this past June, there's flexibility among Canadians. For the governor, this creates confidence that Canada will get through the current adjustment period and that the economy will return to natural self-sustaining growth.
Let there be no mistake about the fact that Canadian businesses are facing tremendous challenges and opportunities. Let me take you through some of those and tell you about how we're addressing them at BDC. The first challenge is access. We know there are still financing gaps, particularly for certain entrepreneurs: young entrepreneurs, new Canadians, entrepreneurs with thin or little credit history, fast-growth firms, indigenous businesses, and cyclical sectors. These are just some examples of those experiencing difficulty accessing financing.
The second concern relates to scaling up the size of businesses in Canada. Canada has made good progress in the start-up space; however, we struggle in building large firms able to punch above their weight in terms of economic impact. A BDC study released in September confirms that there are dramatically fewer businesses expanding in size than there were 15 years ago. Many firms wanting to grow continue to face financing issues, and, compared with other jurisdictions, this leads to deal sizes that are relatively small. Moreover, the greater presence of foreign investors in later stages may result in stronger pressure for early exits and foreign ownership in foreign markets. BDC has responded by increasing its lending volume from $4.8 billion in 2016 to an all-time high of $5.2 billion for the current fiscal year. This is in addition to the $250 million in venture capital we'll be investing this year in technology start-ups. We're also providing leading-edge business advisory services, including to so-called high-impact firms that have the potential to really move the growth needle for the country.
The third issue, which everyone knows, is that too few Canadian companies export, and of those that do, not enough are expanding into emerging economies where growth opportunities abound. In this regard, BDC focuses on export readiness, equipping small companies to expand into new markets, including choice of the market to which they seem particularly well suited. This go-to-market strategy is being developed hand in hand with EDC, with whom we already enjoy excellent relations.
A fourth dimension of business performance in Canada concerns productivity, that is, how efficiently goods and services are produced. Canada's labour productivity growth slipped in the decade ending in 2014 from an average of 1.4% per annum, over the prior eight years, down to 0.9%. Although this statistic is alarming for people who study Canada's economy, more than half of the 1,500 Canadian companies we recently surveyed don't formally measure their productivity. This finding prompted BDC to introduce, just last week, a free diagnostic tool for all Canadians, developed in partnership with Statistics Canada. In less than two minutes, by filling in seven data points, a business can find out exactly how it compares with peers and receive a link to sources for making improvements in its productivity.
I could talk at length about Canadian companies and the situation they are in, but it would be preferable for me to do so as I answer your questions.
If, after this meeting, you have other questions in terms of developing your recommendations on the competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses, I will be happy to help answer them for you.