Thank you very much.
Instead of trying to repeat myself, I will just quickly summarize some of the points I made. I will also note that my speaking notes are available online, as are some informal notes to questions that I commonly receive about CPP.
To summarize what I was saying, first, I'd like to highlight that there are clear merits to using something like the WITB in refunding the contributions of low earners. I am very concerned, however, about gender equity goals not being met by the WITB, and that requires further consideration.
I think there are merits to not including drop-out provisions in the expansion of CPP. I was expressing concerns with cross-subsidization in the program via survivor benefits, in particular the maximums that are placed on combined benefits.
At that point, I was ready to conclude, really, so that's where I'll continue. If given the opportunity to make recommendations here, I would focus on two things. First, continue with efforts to clearly link individual contributions and benefits, avoiding intergenerational and intragenerational transfers in the CPP. Such transfers can be more transparently and effectively developed in other programs. Second, administer the refund of CPP contributions to low earners separately from the WITB and define eligibility by individual earnings. This should be administered through the tax system to minimize administrative costs. The refund of CPP contributions should be clearly visible to those who are receiving it.
I do thank you for your attention. I'm happy to take any questions you might have.