If I may, Mr. Chair, I think the issue is essentially the same.
What the Income Tax Act is trying to do in these cases is recognize that in a regulated system that involves creating allowances to emit or control a substance and then requiring firms to provide the permits in order to make the emissions, those permits have value that fluctuates up and down, so there's a potential for profit and loss in those situations.
Basically, the Income Tax Act is just trying to establish the rules by which we will recognize those profits and losses. The situation with SOx trading is akin to the issue that we have today with carbon trading.
The systems in the 1980s applied to a very small number of taxpayers, but there was and has always been a certain amount of uncertainty, as my colleague has been saying, about how those transactions should best be treated for tax purposes. The purpose of the provisions in this bill is essentially to codify the treatment and to remove some of these questions around the proper way to account for these in tax terms.
You could argue that in the 1980s there might have been a case for providing more clarity, but a strong case was not made.