That's a very big question, so here we go.
This is a moving target. Consumer protection regulations are not a static matter. We have the establishment of a framework here, but that can be built on, and I think Mr. Lawford mentioned that the Bank Act might be another platform in a few years' time.
Actually there's a section in the statute that addresses this. The purpose is to provide uniform protection to customers, to provide uniform supervision, but it's also intended to provide a uniform set of rules so that banks can operate efficiently.
Do we have that balance? I would say that the consumer regime since I've been at the CBA, certainly in the last 10 years, has simply gone up and up and up. I don't say that in any kind of negative way. It's a fact. Compliance budgets have gotten considerably larger, and our engagement with the FCAC has gotten considerably more intense. Are there any other jurisdictions around the world? I go back in history, and I think it's still true. I would not trade any regulatory or banking system regime of any other country for what we have right here and now in Canada. I'm proud of it, and I think that the different elements—bank culture, bank management, supervision, and regulation—work together very well.