Thank you.
I just want to read the motion out again to remind everybody. The motion read:
That the Finance Committee make a report to the House recommending that the government amend Bill C-26 at report stage in order to include child rearing and disability drop out provisions like those present in the existing CPP.
I'd like to talk to it, Mr. Chair.
This is a critical piece of legislation that we have found has been omitted in the enhancement part of the Canadian Pension Plan proposal on Bill C-26. We have heard from witnesses many times that this should not happen, that it's an inequity considering the existing CPP.
The Liberal government back in 1977 saw the inequity in that and changed the actual legislation to make sure that people raising their children and people with disabilities were not being penalized.
It's very important that this committee work together. I believe that everybody agrees that these people shouldn't be omitted and that we move forward with a recommendation from this committee at the report stage. That's all we're basically asking. I ask all my friends in here to support this because, as each day goes on, people are getting very concerned that it's not part of the legislation.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.